Disability Concerns

Pardon Our Dust

The Team Is working on this particular plank to our Policy.

Feel Free To watch this work in progress and, by all means, feel free to comment or contribute to the discussion


We will provide Public transportation discount passes for persons with disabilities.

We will allow residents properly displaying handicapped placards to park free at city parking meters.

We will address Mental Health concerns as direct causes of disability.

We will assist builders of multi-dwellings housing units in their efforts to include adaptive units for disabled occupants.

We will include interpreters at more of the city sponsored public events and meetings. Also, we will improve the quality of warnings and alerts for persons who are deaf or hearing impaired to ensure they are as safe as persons with normal hearing.

Throughout our public ways we will meet or exceed the ADA physical access requirements

Charter schools are prohibited from discriminating. We will work with them to increase enrollment of at-risk students and students with disabilities.

You may also be interested in reviewing our position regarding Recreation Accessibility